Law Office of Ellene Welsh
Law Office of Ellene Welsh

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Social Security Disability FAQ

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is complex. If you have a long-term disability or terminal illness, however, you should fully understand your options. SSDI benefits may be essential for you and your family.

At the Law Office of Ellene Welsh, we are committed to helping our clients learn about how SSDI works and how to apply for benefits. Call 770-489-3456  to get specific information for your individual situation. We are based in Douglasville and Columbus.

Will Social Security Disability Insurance benefits be enough to pay my bills?

Although SSDI might not provide as much money as a full-time job, it could cover more costs than you might think. Careful financial planning and legal advice can help you make the most of SSDI payments.

SSDI provides a monthly income according to several factors. First, the government will consider your average monthly income before your diagnosis. The average costs of living, certain public benefits that you receive and other adjustments all factor into the total amount of your SSDI benefits.

What if my SSDI claim is denied?

Even if your initial claim is denied, you might still be eligible to receive benefits for a disability. One of the most common reasons why the government denies SSDI claims is a lack of medical evidence, which indicates an eligible condition. You can discuss your case with an experienced attorney, who can help seek an appeal for your case.

Can I work part time or earn additional income while receiving SSDI benefits?

Getting a job while you receive SSDI benefits does not automatically cancel your benefits. Instead, the Social Security Administration will note how much you earn through your job or other means such as investments. You can also ease back into working again with a trial work period for nine months.

If your monthly non-SSDI income reaches a certain threshold (after eligible deductions), you may no longer qualify for benefits. At that point, the government will determine that you have gained substantial gainful activity, which means you are able to support yourself without benefits. After 36 months, you would no longer have SSDI as a safety net.

It is critical that you do not lose your benefits unless you have a sufficient, stable income that matches your ability level. If you are receiving SSDI benefits and want to pursue working, talk to your lawyer first.
