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Construction workers and denied workers’ compensation claims

On Behalf of | Mar 7, 2017 | Workers' Compensation | 0 comments

Do you work in the construction industry? If so, you know you could suffer an injury at any time. Even though you and your employer take steps to prevent injuries, there is no way to guarantee that this will happen.

For example, many construction workers spend time climbing ladders and working on scaffolding. If you happen to slip and fall, of course, there’s a good chance you will suffer an injury, such as a broken bone.

Other construction workers use high-powered equipment to perform their job responsibilities. While this is critical for the work involved, a defective piece of equipment or worker error could result in an injury.

If you suffer a workplace injury, it’s important to do the following:

  • Receive immediate medical attention.
  • Report the injury (and circumstances) to your employer as soon as possible.
  • Learn more about your legal rights, such as the option to file a workers’ compensation claim.

A claim denial

In your mind, there is no gray area with regard to your claim. You suffered a workplace injury, you are unable to return to work, so you should be able to collect benefits in the near future.

Conversely, your employer and/or its insurance company may not feel the same way. There are several common reasons for a workers’ compensation denial, including:

The injury was not reported to your employer in time.

  • The claim was not filed in time.
  • Your employer argues that you were not injured on the job.
  • The injury does not qualify for compensation.
  • You did not receive medical treatment following the accident.

You can avoid most of these reasons by immediately reporting your injury and wasting no time in making a claim. However, other reasons, such as an employer arguing that you weren’t injured at work, are harder to combat.

If you receive a denial, it’s best to first find out why. The denial letter should outline the reason. From there, learn more about the process for filing an appeal. You know you have the right to receive benefits, so you shouldn’t give in. Depending on the reason for the denial, you may need to work closely with an attorney who knows the ins and outs of the workers’ compensation system.

Although you may enjoy your job as a construction worker, it doesn’t mean you should go away quietly after the denial of your workers’ compensation claim. This money can help you make ends meet until you’re able to return to work.


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